Check Here & Your Regional Forum for Meets Etc.!!

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Check Here & Your Regional Forum for Meets Etc.!!

Post by jomotopia »

If you have any interest in meeting or sharing local chit-chat with StandardShifters in your area, please check the Regional forums on occasion.

There's been a lot of posts lately of people trying to set up meets. There have also been requests for a forum section dedicated to meets. These types of things should be done in the Regional forums. But unfortunately people rarely check them. This announcement will be in every major section for a while to hopefully drive people to the Regional sections and bring them to life.

From now on all meet posts and such should be made in the proper Regional forum and will be moved there if not. Existing meet threads will be moved as well.

Please check your regional forums people. If you start a thread in the regionals about a meet or whatever, post the link here so it will be noticed in every forum.

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Post by comingbackdown »

Thank you!
Now some of us can officially quit whining about nobody visiting the regionals. I don't know why I didn't think of suggesting an announcement in the first place... Posting on no sleep doesn't help...

Thank you very much! :D
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Re: Check your Regional Forum for Meets!!

Post by jomotopia »

now that this is a global announcement, i thought it would be a good idea that if anyone starts a thread trying to arrange a meet, they should post in this thread with the link. that way people will see a new post in here from every forum, maybe drive more traffic to the regionals.
2013 Subaru Impreza WRX in Orange
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