high speed karting

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high speed karting

Post by gizmo »

ra64t and i met up over the summer to drive two 32hp go karts. it was fun, but we were led to believe we would receive something other than what we paid for.

does anyone know of other places that provide karts of that power in the tri state area? i would much like to race another kart like those, this time with my nifty helmet cam, so i can see how i'm doing.

<begin picking on ra64t>: it would also be nice if i had a skilled driver nearby to see how I was doing compared to them. ra64t kept driving off before my kart was even started, so he always ended up being 5/10 a mile away from me and we ran nearly identical lap times. (our karts were slower than the people who had their own karts... so there was no one else to run with -- atleast that's what i hope was the case). to ra64t's credit, there was no telling how long we'd have in the kart and they don't run when they're stopped (they must be driven while they're on) so he drove off to ensure he got the most time possible (because we barely got any...).<end>
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